
TNPSC Original Question Paper: updated.

on Sunday, April 24, 2011

TNPSC Original Question Paper:

1. Density of matter is defined as
A. mass / volume
B. mass × volume
C. volume / mass
D. none of these

2. The resultant upthrust on a body partly immersed in liquid acts through
A. the centre of gravity
B. the metacentre
C. the centre of pressure
D. none of these

3. A transverse wave travels along z-axis. The particles of the medium travels along
A. z-axis C. y-axis
B. x-axis D. in x-y plane

4. Joule-Thomson cooling is
A. temperature dependent
B. temperature independent
C. dependent on the molecular
weight of the gas
D. dependent on the total mass of
the gas

5. The principle of action of points is used in
A. capacitors
B. inductors
C. resistors
D. lightning arrestors

6. A jet engine works under the principle of
A. mass
B. energy
C. linear momentum
D. angular momentum

7. To find the temperature of the sun, the following law is used:
A. Charles’ law
B. Stefan’s fourth power law of
C. Boyle’s law
D. Kirchhoff’s law

8. Calotropis is an example of the following phyllotaxy:
A. opposite and decussate
B. spiral
C. whorled
D. alternate
9. Radio carbon dating is used to
A. find diseases
B. find the age of relics
C. find the carbon content in the
D. none of these

10. Frequency modulation is more advantageous than amplitude modulation because
A. there will be no distortion
B. distortion will be maximum
C. no internal noises produced
D. internal noises can be filtered

11. X-rays travel with the velocity of
A. light
B. sound
C. positive rays
D. alpha rays

12. A loudspeaker converts
A. electrical energy into sound
B. sound energy into electrical
C. small sound into a large sound
D. none of the above

13. The transverse wave nature of light was proved by
A. interference C. polarisation
B. diffraction D. refraction

14. Electric iron takes a long time to cool because of
A. greater emissivity
B. lesser emissivity
C. less absorptive power
D. more absorptive power

15. Helium is preferred to hydrogen in airships because it
A. has greater lifting power
B. is less dense
C. cheaper
D. does not form explosive
mixture with air

16. Excessive consumption of alcohol damages the
A. liver C. heart
B. kidneys D. lungs

17. Which of the following has the smell of garlic?
A. White phosphorus
B. Red phosphorus
C. Phosphorus chloride
D. Phosphine

18. A common nitrogenous fertilizer is
A. urea
B. superphosphate
C. triple phosphate
D. potassium chloride

27. The acid which etches glass is
A. nitric acid
B. sulphuric acid
C. hydrofluoric acid
D. hypochlorous acid

28. Which of the following diseases is likely to spread in the entire community if a leaky septic tank contaminates the water supply?
A. Cholera C. Tuberculosis
B. Cancer D. Leprosy

29. Yeast help in the production of
A. oxygen C. alcohol
B. glucose D. salts

30. Many pulses are obtained from plants of the family
A. Euphorbiaceae
B. Fabaceae
C. Asteraceae
D. Musaceae

31. Which of the following protozoans possesses definite shape?
A. Amoeba
B. Paramecium
C. Both of these
D. None of these

32. Which of the following is used for culture medium of bacterial growth?
A. Iodine C. Sugar
B. Agar-Agar D. Alcohol

33. Malaria is caused by
A. virus C. protozoa
B. bacteria D. fungi

34. One of the following is the simplest land plant:
A. Bryophytes C. Algae
B. Lichens D. Fungi

19. Which element is a metalloid in the following?
A. Copper C. Aluminium
B. Arsenic D. Gold

20. Night blindness is caused due to the deficiency of
A. Vitamin A C. Vitamin K
B. Vitamin B D. Vitamin E

21. Mercury is used in thermometers because it
A. is heavy
B. is a liquid
C. expands uniformly
D. is a metal

22. Sodium chloride is the scientific name of
A. common salt C. rust
B. soft coke D. chalk

23. Fresh foods and fruits contain more of
A. proteins C. vitamins
B. fats D. carbohydrates

24. Electric bulbs are filled with the gas
A. oxygen
B. carbon dioxide
C. argon
D. nitrogen

25. The sides of a match box contains
A. red phosphorus
B. white phosphorus
C. phosphorus pentoxide
D. none of these

26. Penicillin was discovered by
A. Edward Jenner
B. J.C. Bose
C. Alexander Fleming
D. William Harvey

35. Bacteria generally multiply by
A. binary fission
B. multiple fission
C. longitudinal fission
D. all of these

36. Agar-agar is obtained from
A. gelidium C. ectocarpus
B. laminaria D. fucus

37. Which one of the following animals is cold-blooded?
A. Pigeon C. Dog
B. Fish D. Man

38. Nitrogen fixation is done by
A. blue-green algae
B. green algae
C. brown algae
D. red algae

39. Which type of cancer is the most common?
A. Carcinoma C. Lymphoma
B. Sarcoma D. Leukaemia

40. Which bacteria produce vinegar in sugar solutions?
A. Escherichia
B. Acetobacter
C. Acetobacter aceti
D. Rhizobium

41. Baker’s yeast is
A. Zygosaccharomyces
B. Saccharomyces cerevisae
C. Laminaria
D. S. Ludwigii

42. The tallest tree occurs in
A. Pteridophytes
B. Monocots
C. Gymnosperms
D. Dicots

43. Which of the following has been identified as the main source of environmental pollution in the city of Delhi?
A. Automobiles
B. Cement Industry
C. Fertilizer Industry
D. Thermal Power Station

44. pH of water is
A. 4 C. 12
B. 7 D. 0

45. The deficiency of iodine causes
A. diabetes C. rickets
B. scurvy D. goitre

46. The poisonous substance that is present in tobacco is
A. Morphine C. Nicotine
B. Aspirin D. Reserpine

47. Which one of the following is excreted in Urine?
A. Sugar C. Protein
B. Creatin D. Fat

48. Who are more likely to get tapeworm?
A. Fish eaters C. Meat eaters
B. Pork eaters D. Beef eaters

49. In which animal was the AIDS virus first detected?
A. Rat C. Horse
B. Rabbit D. Monkey

50. Hargovind Khurana is credited for the discovery of
A. synthesis of protein
B. synthesis of gene
C. synthesis of nitrogenous bases
D. none of these

102. Match the following root words given in Column A with their meanings in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
Column A Column B
  1. Stooped 1. lived
  2. Dwelt 2. yearly celebration
  3. Anniversary 3. stomach pain
  4. Colic 4. bent
Codes a b c d
  1. 3 4 1 2
  2. 4 1 2 3
  3. 2 3 4 1
  4. 1 3 2 4
Answer: (B) 4 1 2 3
103. Comprehension
There were two friends in the village of Bhuthapandy. The elder was Kandhan, a cunning man and the younger was Rangan a very simple man.
Select the correct answer:
  1. Rangan was cunning man
  2. Rangan was a wise man
  3. Rangan was a Playful man
  4. Rangan was a very simple man
Answer: (D) Rangan was a very simple man
104. Comprehension:
Mulla’s parents were humble and ordinary. Mulla was also like that. Books were costly in those days. So, Mulla worked hard in the rich man’s house and read books there.
Books were …………in those days
  1. Cheap
  2. very cheap
  3. costly
  4. more costly
Answer: (C) Costly
105. Comprehension:
The tench is a large fish found in water of lakes, rivers and marshes. Its skin secretes a lot of slime, It was formerly known as doctor fish.
The name of the fish referred here is
  1. Doctor
  2. tench
  3. Slime
  4. Large
Answers: (B) tench
106. Comprehension:
The liver is the largest organ in our body and its weighs one and half kilos. It performs more than 500 jobs, some them essential to life.
The largest organ in our body is the ………..
  1. intestine
  2. heart
  3. liver
  4. rib
Answer: (C) Liver
107. Comprehension:
Elephants are found in India and in Africa. The African elephant differs in some points from the Indian, being large with longer tusks and bigger ears.
Elephants are ……………… animals.
  1. domestic
  2. wild
  3. bold
  4. shy
Answer: (B) Wild
108. Find out the error:
He Know me well
Answer: Know
109. Find out the error:
The baby is cry
Answer: cry
110. Find out the error
Call a boy Standing outside
Answer : a
111. Select the correct plural from:
  1. Flowers
  2. Floweries
  3. Floweris
  4. Flowes
Answer: (A) Flowers
112. Select the correct sentences:
  1. Water flows from the hill
  2. Water flows down the hill
  3. Water flows beside the hill
  4. Water flows for the hill
Answers: (B) Water flows down the hill
113. Select the correct sentences:
  1. I want to improve my knowledge in English
  2. I want to improve my knowledge for English
  3. I want to improve my knowledge on English
  4. I want to improve my knowledge of English
Answer: (A) I want to improve my knowledge in English
114. Select the correct sentence:
  1. Drinking lot of water is good to health
  2. Drinking lot of water is good for health
  3. Drinking lot water is good of health
  4. Drinking lot water is good to health
Answer: (B) Drinking lot of water is good for health
115. Select the correct sentences (Indirect speech):
The teacher said to Mallika, “What is your father?”
  1. The teacher asked Mallika what her father was
  2. The teacher requested Mallika what her father was
  3. The teacher ordered Mallika what her father was
  4. The teacher said to Mallika what her father was.
Answer: (A) The teacher asked Mallika what her father was
116. Select the correct impersonal passive sentence:
Nobody closed the door
  1. The door is not closed
  2. The door was not closed
  3. The door won’t be closed
  4. The door didn’t closed
Answer: (B) The door was not closed
117. Identify the sentence:
Being busy, I could not attend the function
  1. complex
  2. compound
  3. simple
  4. negative
Answer: (C) Simple
118. Identify the sentence:
On seeing the mother the baby laughed.
  1. Compound
  2. interrogative
  3. complex
  4. simple
Answer: (D) Simple
119. Identify the sentence:
If there is pain, take this tablet
  1. simple
  2. complex
  3. compound
  4. imperative
Answer: (B) Complex
120. Identify the sentence:
The Sun had set and the stars appeared
  1. Simple
  2. complex
  3. Compound
  4. imperative
Answer: (C) Compound
121. Select the correct question tag:
I am in your way, …………….
  1. am I ?
  2. will I?
  3. did I ?
  4. amn’t I
Answer : (D) am n’t I?
122. Identify the sentence pattern:
They announced the results
  1. S.V. O.
  2. S. V. A .
  3. S. V. C.
  4. S. V. A.C
Answer: (A) S. V. O.
123. Identify the sentence pattern:
My teacher taught the English:
  1. S.V.O.
  2. S. V. I. D. O.
  3. S. V. C. O.
  4. S. V. D. O. I. O.
Answers: (B) S. V. I. O. D. O
124. Identify the sentence pattern:
She laughed loudly:
  1. S. V. A.
  2. S. V. O
  3. S. V. C.
  4. S. V. I. O.
Answers: (A) S.V. A.
125. Identify the sentence pattern
He appeared angry.
  1. S. V. O.
  2. S. V. C.
  3. S. V. A.
  4. S.V. D. O
Answer: (B) S. V. C.
126. Identify the sentence pattern:
The baby is crying.
  1. S. O. V.
  2. S. V. I. O
  3. S. V. A.
  4. S. V.
Answer: (D) S. V.
127. Fill in the blank with correct article
My sister will come in …….. day or two
  1. the
  2. an
  3. a
  4. some
Answer: (C) a
128. Fill in the blank with correct article.
…………cow is a useful animal.
  1. A
  2. The
  3. An
  4. Some
Answer: (B) The
129. Fill in the blank with correct article.
Rajan is waiting for …………. Hour
Answer: C) an
130. Fill in the blank with correct article.
Yesterday I met …………. European
  1. an
  2. a
  3. the
  4. some
Answer: (B) a
131. Fill in the blank with correct preposition:
My mother is ………….. the kitchen
  1. on
  2. at
  3. by
  4. in
Answer: (D) in
132. Select the correct prefix:
  1. ing
  2. en
  3. ed
  4. er
Answer: (B) en
133. Select the correct suffix:
  1. ed
  2. ly
  3. er
  4. ing
Answer: (C) er
134. Select correct suffix
  1. ion
  2. ly
  3. ing
  4. ful.
Answer: (D) ful
135. Select the prefix:
  1. dis
  2. un
  3. in
  4. ly
Answer: Both (A) dis (B) un
136. Select the correct prefix:
  1. un
  2. re
  3. mis
  4. en
Answer: (C) Mis
137. Choose the correct antonym:
United Nation lives on.
  1. grows
  2. survives
  3. exists
  4. dies
Answer: (D) dies
138. Choose the correct antonym:
It is very deep sleep
  1. Sound
  2. nap
  3. disturbed
  4. shallow
Answer: (C) disturbed
139. Choose the correct antonym:
Night descended dark and cold.
  1. increased
  2. ascended
  3. decreased
  4. moved
Answer: (B) ascended
140. Choose the correct antonym:
It was an ancient Indian prince who first developed music
  1. modern
  2. old
  3. historical
  4. past time
Answer: (A) modern
141. Fill in the blank (infinitive):
…………. In the right side of the road is dangerous.
  1. To walk
  2. To be walk
  3. To walking
  4. Walking
Answer: (A) To walk
142. Fill in the blank (infinitive)
Kale likes………….. in the air.
  1. flying
  2. to fly
  3. to be fly
  4. was flying
Answer: (B) to fly
143. Fill in the blank (gerund):
…………. is good for health
  1. Will swin
  2. Will be swimming
  3. Swimming
  4. Swam
Answer: (C) Swimming
144. Fill in the blank (gerund)
Kala does not like ………….. in the streets.
  1. playing
  2. played
  3. will play
  4. was playing
Answer: (A) playing
145. Fill in the bland (participle):
I have ……….. breakfast in the morning
  1. eaten
  2. ate
  3. will eat
  4. will be eating
Answer: (A) eaten
146. Select the correct tense:
P.M visits flood victims.
  1. present perfect
  2. simple present
  3. Present continuous
  4. simple past
Answer: (B) simple present
147. Select the correct tense:
The stars are shining
  1. present continuous
  2. simple future
  3. past perfect
  4. past continuous
Answer: (A) Present continuous
148. Select the correct tense
I had passed the exam.
  1. present perfect
  2. past perfect
  3. simple past
  4. simple future
Answer: (B) past perfect
149. Select the correct tense:
At 10 O’ clock tomorrow I shall be travelling to Agra.
  1. future continuous
  2. past continuous
  3. present perfect
  4. present continuous
Answer: (A) future continuous
150. Select the correct tense:
Several prisoners have broken out the jail.
  1. simple past
  2. simple present
  3. present continuous
  4. present perfect
Answer: (D) present perfect
151. Find out the error :
We sat by the ground (On)
Answer: (C) by
152. Find out the error:
Either Meena nor Kamal attended the function.
Answer: (B) nor
153. Fill in the blank with correct Homophone:
I …………… very well about my friend.
  1. Know
  2. no
  3. now
  4. new
Answer: (A) know
154. Fill in the blank with correct Homophone:
Either Rajan ………….. Kannan will attend the marriage.
  1. are
  2. air
  3. or
  4. wore
Answer: (C) or
155. Fill in the blank with correct Homophone:
My mother cooks ………..
  1. rise
  2. raise
  3. rice
  4. rose
Answer: (C) rice
156. Fill in the blank with correct Homophone:
The ……….. rises in the east.
  1. son
  2. sun
  3. sin
  4. soon
Answer: (B) sun
157. Change the verb into adverb:
  1. gracious
  2. gracefully
  3. graciously
  4. none of these
Answer: (B) gracefully
158. Change the following noun into verb:
  1. obey
  2. obediently
  3. obedient
  4. none of these
Answer: (A) obey
159. Find out the adjective
  1. danger
  2. dangerous
  3. dangerously
  4. be danger
Answer: (B) dangerous
160. Find out the verb:
  1. hurrying
  2. hurryly
  3. hurry
  4. hurried
Answer: (D) hurried
161. Identify the sentence:
Do not scold me in public, or I will not obey.
  1. complex
  2. simple
  3. negative
  4. compound
Answer: (D) compound
162. Identify the positive degree:
  1. No other girl in the class is to tall as Sylvia
  2. Sylvia is taller than any other girl in the class
  3. Slyvia is the tallest girl in the class
  4. Jancy is not taller than Sylvia
Answer: (A) No other girl in the class is so tall as Sylvia
163. Identify the positive degree:
  1. Akbar was one of the mightiest kings
  2. Akbar was mightier than most other kings
  3. Very few kings are as mighty as Akbar
  4. Mango is one of sweetest fruits
Answer: (C) Very few kings are as mighty as Akbar
164. Identify the comparative degree
  1. John is the cleverest boy
  2. John is cleverer than any other boy
  3. No other boy is so clever as john
  4. Kamala is as tall as Vimala
Answer: (B) John is cleverer than any other boy
165. Identify the superlative degree:
  1. Mango is one of the sweetest
  2. Very few fruits are as sweet as mango
  3. Asha is as wise as Priya
  4. Priya is not wise than Asha.
Answers: (A) Mango is one of the sweetest fruits
166. Identify the superlative degree:
  1. India is more powerful than Pakistan
  2. Pakistan is not as a powerful as India
  3. India is one of the most powerful countries
  4. Very few countries are so
Answer: (C) India is one of the most powerful countries
167. Find out the Noun:
  1. glitter
  2. shine
  3. Star
  4. lighting
Answer: (C) star
168. Match the following words given in Column A with their antonyms in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
Column A Column B
  1. far 1. include
  2. melt 2. attract
  3. exclude 3. near
  4. repel 4. condense
a b c d
  1. 4 1 2 3
  2. 2 3 4 1
  3. 2 1 3 4
  4. 3 4 1 2
Answer: (D) 3 4 1 2
169. Match the following words given in Column A with their meanings in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
Column A Column B
  1. glitter 1. delightfully
  2. slowly 2. including
  3. joyfully 3. shine
  4. adding 4. gradually
a b c d
  1. 4 1 2 3
  2. 3 4 1 2
  3. 2 3 4 1
  4. 3 2 1 4
Answer: (B) 3 4 1 2
170. Match the following countries given in Column A with their in column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
Column A Column B
Countries people
  1. The U.K 1. Irish
  2. The U.S.A 2. British
  3. Ireland 3. French
  4. France 4. American
a b c d
  1. 2 4 1 3
  2. 3 2 4 1
  3. 4 3 1 2
  4. 4 2 3 1
Answers: (A) 2 4 1 3
171. Fill in the blank with correct article.
This is ………………. Ink pot which I bought yesterday.
  1. the
  2. a
  3. an
  4. some
Answer: (A) an
172. Fill in the blank with correct article.
John like to eat ………….. apples
  1. an
  2. the
  3. a
  4. some
Answer: (D) some
173. Identify the odd word:
  1. Granite
  2. Dynamite
  3. Radium
  4. Radio
Answer: (D) Radio
174. Identify the odd word:
  1. Rose
  2. Lotus
  3. Jasmine
  4. Grass
Answer: (D) Grass
175. Identify the odd word:
  1. Table
  2. Chair
  3. Bench
  4. Goat
Answer: (D) Goat
176. Identify the odd word:
  1. Sparrow
  2. Crow
  3. Cow
  4. Dove
Answer: (C) Cow
177. Select the correct plural form:
  1. Oxs
  2. Oxes
  3. Oxen
  4. none of these
Answers: (C) Oxen
178. Select the correct plural form:
  1. Fishs
  2. Fishies
  3. Fish
  4. Fishers
Answers: (C) Fish
179. Select the correct plural form
  1. Babys
  2. Babies
  3. Babyes
  4. Babis
Answers: (C) fish
180. Select the correct plural from:
  1. Childs
  2. Children
  3. Childes
  4. Childish
Answer: (B) Children
181. Choose correct antonym:
The Warder unlocked the cell.
  1. Closed
  2. opened
  3. shielded
Answer: (B) opened
182. Choose the correct synonym:
The waves would easily engulf the land
  1. cover
  2. encircle
  3. destroy
  4. swallow up.
Answer: (B) encircle
183. Choose the correct synonym:
Perhaps there are several other bodies
  1. many
  2. some
  3. a few
  4. a lot of
Answer: (A) many
184. Choose the correct synonym:
Can you distinguish between a planed and a star?
  1. differ
  2. resemble
  3. differentiate
  4. similarity
Answer: (C) differentiate
185. Choose the correct synonym
The cubs are born
  1. cub
  2. young ones
  3. cats
  4. lions
Answer: (B) young ones
186. Choose the correct synonym:
We meet in an hour of grief and challenge
  1. Joy
  2. bliss
  3. ***
  4. sorrow
Answer: (D) sorrow
187. Select the correct question tag:
It is raining………….
  1. is it?
  2. does it ?
  3. isn’t it?
  4. may it?
Answer: (C) isn’t it?
188. Select the correct question tag:
  1. does she?
  2. is she?
  3. will she?
  4. doesn’t she?
Answer: (D) doesn’t she?
189. Select the correct question tag:
He cannot understand English ………….
  1. Can he?
  2. does he?
  3. will he?
  4. Can’t he?
Answer: (A) can he?
190. Select the correct question tag:
John sings well, ……………
  1. does he?
  2. doesn’t he?
  3. won’t he?
  4. shall he?
Answer: (B) doesn’t he?
191. Select the correct tense:
AS we were climbing up the hill, we saw a cave.
  1. Present continuous
  2. past continuous
  3. future continuous
  4. future perfect
Answer: (B) past continuous
192. Choose the correct tense:
Veda …………….. a car
  1. bought
  2. has bought
  3. have bought
  4. will be buying
Answer: (B) has bought
193. Choose the correct tense:
We …………. to Cochin last summer
  1. go
  2. will go
  3. gone
  4. went
Answer: (D) went
194. Choose the correct tense:
While I …………. For the bus a car came
  1. am waiting
  2. will wait
  3. have wait
  4. was waiting
Answer: (D) was waiting
195. Choose the correct tense:
Mani …………… English
  1. teaches
  2. taught
  3. has been teaching
  4. was taught
Answer: (A) teaches
196. Choose the correct tense:
He …… in the army during the freedom struggle
  1. has served
  2. served
  3. has been serving
  4. will serve
Answer: (B) served
197. Fill in the blank with correct preposition:
Ruby came ………… day break
  1. in
  2. by
  3. into
  4. at
Answer: (D) at
198. Fill in the blank with correct preposition:
My uncle came …………. a weak.
  1. before
  2. with
  3. after
  4. in
Answer: (C) after
199. Fill in the blank with correct preposition:
A cake was shared ……….. two sisters
  1. with
  2. between
  3. by
  4. for
Answer: (B) between
200. Fill in the blank with correct prepositions:
He has been working …………… 1984
  1. for
  2. from
  3. since
  4. about
Answer: (C) since

Expected Cut-Off For Mains Examination
  • General- 170, Female-165
  • BC- 165, Female- 158
  • MBC- 160 Female- 155
  • SC- 157, Female- 152


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